1 Personal Information

Public Policies and Strategic Planning Programme
Cohort II - Module Three
Monday 21th – Wednesday 23th October 2024

Dear Participants of the Public Policies and Strategic Planning - Undersecretaries Programme

The Royal Academy of Management is looking forward to get your feedback on Module Three of the Programme. Therefore, you are kindly required to complete the programme evaluation survey. Your responses will help us to better understand the impact of the programme and improve the content of future programmes. The survey is expected to take approximately 5-7 minutes and it will be available for 24 hours.

Thanks in advance for your time.

Kindly state how satisfied are you with the following items

The module objectives were clearly stated and presented
The content of material and discussions helps me gain new knowledge and insights
The content of material and discussions helps me acquiring skills and practices relevant to my work
The programme helped me building my network with the others

Kindly state how satisfied are you with the following items

Day One Topics

Session: Programme Welcome and Introduction
Session: Approaching Policy Innovation in the Age of Globalisation
Session: Shaping Policy and Making Change
Session: Policy Best Practices Case Study and Dialogue by Keynote Speaker Professor Jonathan Slater
Closed Session: Keynote Speaker H.E. Dr. Ali Al Shidhani

Day Two Topics

Session: Organisational Elements of Digital Transformation
Session: Managing the Digital Transformation
Session: Developing Innovation Ecosystems
Session: Internal Impact and Opportunities by Keynote Speaker Dr. Philip Rycroft
High-tea with Policy Experts

Day Three Topics

Session: ‘A101’ Understanding Artificial Intelligence
Session: Analysing the Economics of AI
Session: Understanding AI on the Future of Work - Exploring the Ethics and Biases of AI
Session: AI Policy Workshop by Keynote Speaker Ms. Eileen Milner

General Evaluation of the Module

Module content
Usefulness of content of material and discussions
Style of material delivery
Interactivity and engagement during sessions
Overall satisfaction of Module Three
Overall evaluation: Professor Christos Genakos
Overall evaluation: Professor Shaz Ansari
Overall evaluation: Professor David Stillwell
Overall evaluation: Professor Jonathan Slater
Overall evaluation: Dr. Philip Rycroft
Overall evaluation: Ms. Eileen Milner

Satisfaction of the Training Environment

The programme team support
Venue and set up
Technical issues
Building experience (i.e. ease of registration and entry and organization..)
On a scale from 0-10, what is the probability of you praising the services provided by the Royal Academy of Management in front of your friends and colleagues?
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