1 Personal Information

Public Policy & Strategic Planning Program (Undersecretaries)
برنامج السياسات العامة والتخطيط الاستراتيجي (مسار أصحاب السعادة)

Dear Undersecretary,

To ensure that you draw maximum benefit from the workshop on Strategic Thinking and Planning, please identify a strategic objective linked to the 10th Five-year Development Plan (FYDP) that your ministry/authority/entity is leading.

Your selected strategic objective should be sufficiently challenging with one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Involve several stakeholder groups with conflicting and competing needs and expectations
  • Broad (lack specific) and/or ambiguous (open to more than one interpretation) goal, scope, outcomes and/or outputs
  • May take more than 3 years to achieve the desired goal(s)
  • Operating environment is dynamic, unpredictable, and risky
  • Require resources and competencies that are scarce or unavailable in your ministry/authority/entity

Be prepared for your strategic objective to be selected as a case study for your table team during the workshop.

Please complete your responses before the 19th of December 2022.

Kindly note that the information collected from this survey will be confidential and only used for the purpose of the program.

Use the template below to complete the information on your strategic objective.

Please complete the short survey below:
Very familiar with this topicFamiliar with this topic Somewhat familiarHave heard of it, never usedNot familiar at all
Strategic Thinking Attributes
Strategic Management Cycle
Policy cycle
Complex vs Complicated Systems
Wisdom of Crowds
Strategic Capabilities
Programs, Projects, Initiatives
Outcomes vs Outputs
Operational effectiveness
Disruptive strategies
Strategic choices
Strategic probes
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