1 Personal Information

National CEO Programme 2024
Module 1, Week 2

Please specify the extent to which you agree with the following statements related to Module One overall.

Overall Module Assessment

The module objectives were clearly stated and presented
The content and discussions helps me gain new knowledge and insights
The content and discussions help me acquire skills and practices relevant to my work
The program helped me in building my network with the others
Module content
Usefulness of content of material and discussions
Style of material delivery
Interactivity and engagement during sessions
Overall satisfaction of module One


Kindly state how satisfied are you with the following items:

Day 1: How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the day "Increasing Self-Awareness & Group Cohesion" with Linzy Schaller?Please select one option where 5 = Excellent and 1 = Very poor
Day 2 and 3: How would you rate the effectiveness of the two days "Executive Coaching Bootcamp" with the Executive Coaches?Please select one option where 5 = Excellent and 1 = Very poor
How effectively did “Your Leadership Coach” support you in your learning? Exploration / Learning?Please select one option where 5 = Excellent and 1 = Very poor
To what extent did “ Your Leadership Coach ” challenge you to behave differently?Please select one option where 5 = Excellent and 1 = Very poor
Day 4: How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the day "Developing Executive Presence & Communicating with Impact" with the Communication Coaches, Dramatic Resources?Please select one option where 5 = Excellent and 1 = Very poor
Day 5: How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the day "Leadership and Business Experiments" with Tim Orme and the Business Coaching Team?Please select one option where 5 = Excellent and 1 = Very poor
How effectively did “Your Business Coach” support you in understanding how to think about and build an experiment?Please select one option where 5 = Excellent and 1 = Very poor
How would you rate the overall effectiveness of your Program Director: Linzy Schaller?Please select one option where 5 = Excellent and 1 = Very poor
How would you rate the overall effectiveness of your Program Manager: Malin Solheim?Please select one option where 5 = Excellent and 1 = Very poor
How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the RAM programme team supportPlease select one option where 5 = Excellent and 1 = Very poor

Retreat Experience

Satisfaction of the Learning Environment

Venue and Set up

General Feedback

On a scale from 0-10, what is the probability of you praising the services provided by the Royal Academy of Management in front of your friends and colleagues?
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