1 Personal Information National CEO Program Module 3: Discovery Site Visit to Japan, Tokyo Dear participants,Please take a few minutes to complete this form, sharing your thoughts on the module site visits, delivery, and overall experience. Your input is greatly appreciated.Thank you for your time. Please specify the extent to which you agree with the following statements related to Module Three overall. The objectives of site visit were clearly stated and presentedStrongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree The visits and discussions helped me gain new knowledge and insightsStrongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree The site visits module helped me acquire skills and practices relevant to my workStrongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree The visit helped me build my network with othersStrongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree Overall evaluation of the Module The overall module (visits) KnowledgeVery satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Usefulness of visits and discussionsVery satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Knowledge exchange style and DeliveryVery satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Interactivity and engagement during the visitVery satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied The extent to which Module Three challenged your thinking/mindsetVery satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied The extent to which Module Three provided fresh ideas and new perspectivesVery satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the following? Site visit components Day one of the site visit (Cultural Immersion and Driving Economic Growth)Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Day two of the site visit (Operational Excellence and Implementation)Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Day three of the site visit (Innovation Mindset)Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Day four of the site visit (Critical Thinking)Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Program team Program director - Linzy SchallerVery satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Program coordination by Malin SolheimVery satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied RAM program team supportVery satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Logistics & Support LogisticsVery satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied CateringVery satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied AccommodationVery satisfiedSatisfiedNeutral DissatisfiedVery dissatisfied General Feedback: 1. What insight(s) or perspective(s) from the Discovery Visit have most influenced your views of Leadership?0 / 2. What behavior or approach do you see yourself adopting or changing as a result of your experiences in this module?0 / 3. What practices or strategies observed during your Discovery Visit could be adapted to enhance operational excellence in your work?0 / 4. What could be improved in future modules to enhance the value of the Discovery Visit experience for participants?0 / 0123456789105. Based on your experience on module three (Discovery visits), what is the probability that you will recommend such experience for other RAM programs, on a scale from 0-10? Submit keyboard_arrow_leftPrevious Nextkeyboard_arrow_right FormCraft - WordPress form builder