Course Feedback Survey

1 Personal Information
2 Step 2

We kindly request your participation in completing the survey below to provide your valuable feedback. The survey is estimated to take approximately 15 minutes of your time. We appreciate your thoughtful and honest responses, and please rest assured that all your answers will remain anonymous.

Kindly ensure that you submit your completed survey by Wednesday, August 23rd, before 4 PM.

Course title: Course 6: Global Public Policy

Instructor: Professor Andre Correa d'Almeid'a

1.    Please rate the following aspects of the course:

a.    Course Content

ExcellentGoodAveragePoorVery Poor
Relevance of the course content to the outlined objectives
Clarity and organization of the course content
Depth and comprehensiveness of the course content
Usefulness of course materials (examples, case studies, and/or practical exercises)
Would you like to elaborate on any of the above responses?

b. Instructor

ExcellentGoodAveragePoorVery Poor
Knowledge and expertise of the instructor in the subject matter
Ability of the instructor to communicate clearly and effectively
Encouragement of participant engagement and interaction
Availability and helpfulness in providing office hours or answering questions
To what extent did you feel the instructor was responsive to your concerns and questions?
Would you like to elaborate on any of the above responses?

c.    Knowledge & Skills

How well did the course help you acquire the necessary skills and knowledge in Global Public Policy?
How applicable do you find the acquired skills and knowledge to your work / career?

d.    Course Assignments

ExcellentGoodAveragePoorVery Poor
Relevance of course assignments to the course content
Clarity of assignment instructions & Requirements
Clarity of grading criteria
Did you find the deadlines reasonable and manageable?
Did you find the number of assignments appropriate in terms of quantity?
Would you like to elaborate on any of the above responses?

e.    Feedback on Performance

Quality and usefulness of feedback provided by the instructor
Would you like to elaborate on the response above?
1. To what extent would you recommend this course to others?
2. Are there any concerns or challenges you would like to share regarding Course 6 and / or the overall learning experience?
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