Public Policy & Strategic Planning Program
Evaluation Form

1 Personal Information

Dear Participant

We would like to kindly ask you to complete this short program evaluation survey. It will take you approx. 2 to 3 minutes. By answering these questions, you help us better understand the impact of this module and improve the following modules

Thank you in advance

Please indicate your level of satisfaction with each of the following:
Module One met my expectations
Module One content
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the outcomes of Module One for you:
Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagree
I gained fresh knowledge and insights
I reflected on/questioned, my assumptions and practices
I gained some practical tools/ideas that are relevant for me
I committed myself to taking a few concrete actions
I picked up ideas/insights from other participants and/or enhanced my network
Facilitator’s Performance:
ExcellentGoodSatisfactoryFairPoorVery Poor
How do you rate the overall value of the learning sessions delivered by Jim Yeo?
Usefulness of content:
Program coherence & support:
ExcellentGoodSatisfactoryFairPoorVery Poor
How do you rate the quality of support you received before and during the module from the program coordinators (CSC Team)?
How do you rate the quality of support you received before and during the module from the program Team (RAM)?
How do you rate the following?
ExcellentGoodSatisfactoryFairPoorVery Poor
Venue food
Venue cleanliness
Overall, how would you rate this Module
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