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Module 3: Financial Statement Analysis: Measuring and Interpreting of Business Performance

Dear participants,

Thank you for participating in Module 3 of Etimad Programme. Your feedback is important to us and will help improve future sessions.

Please take a few minutes to complete this form, sharing your thoughts on the module content, delivery, and overall experience. Your input is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

Please specify the extent to which you agree with the following statements related to Module 3

The module objectives were clearly stated and presented
The content of material and discussions helps me gain new knowledge and insights
The content of material and discussions helps me acquiring skills and practices relevant to my work
The program helped me building my network with the others

Kindly state how satisfied are you with the following items

 Day 1 Topics:            

Introduction to Financial Statements (Understand the nature and the role of accounting and rule setting).
Understand a simple statement of financial position (SFP) and interpret the information that it contains.
Understand a simple income statement (IS) and interpret the information that it contains.
Understand the format of the statement of cashflows and review three key sections for decision making.
Day One activities

Day 2 Topics

Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements: Key Principles
Seeing Bigger Picture and Value Creation
Day Two activities

Day 3 Topics

Corporate Governance and its importance
Triple Bottom Line, CSR and ESG: Part I
Day Three activities

Day 4 Topics

Introduction + 3 Decision Periods
“Software demo” session
“Analysis Results” session
Day Four activities

Day 5 Topics

Business Plan exercise (Excel) + 3 Decision Periods
Focus: measuring operating profitability (OM & ROCE)
“Analysis results” session
Day Five activities

General Evaluation of the Module 3

Module content
Usefulness of content of material and discussions
Style of material delivery
Interactivity and engagement during sessions
Overall satisfaction of Module 3
Overall evaluation: Khamid Irgashev (Faculty)
Overall evaluation: Marie-Lys Leschiera (Faculty)

Satisfaction of the Training Environment                    

The programme team support
Venue and Set up
Technical issues
Building experience (i.e. entry and organization..)
On a scale from 0-10, what is the probability of you praising the services provided by the Royal Academy of Management in front of your friends and colleagues?
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