1 Personal Information Session Evaluation form Please determine your degree of satisfaction according to the axes and phrases measured by the questionnaire as follows (5 being mostly satisfied and 1 being least satisfied): First: Organization Determine the degree of your satisfaction with the organization followed in this program through the statements below:54321Online Registration Process to Enter RAM BuildingIllustrative map of access to the Academy buildingGreetings and reception by Academy staffHSE video as part of the protocol for entering the RAM building.The person explaining the HSE video and instructions The training room such as:( Classroom, seating area, tools, and lighting).Time of the workshop.Break (the time and food)Support and assistance from the RAM team Second: The effectiveness of the speaker Determine your degree of satisfaction with the effectiveness of the speaker by responding to the statements below:54321Familiarity of the speaker with the subject The ability of the speaker to communicate information. The speaker ability to manage the sessionThe speaker's ability to diversify training methods and tools. The speaker's ability to inspire, motivate and increase motivation. The speaker's response to the inquiries raised Third: Session Content Determine the degree of your satisfaction with the session content in terms of the topics presented, the methods used, the time, and the extent to which they achieve the objectives of the session for you through your response to the statements below:54321Overall Content Topic Coverage and RelevanceThe objective of the session was well-definedThe quality of content was excellentThe content was pertaining to my current job profileDuration of the session Which aspect of this session did you like the most?Overall Topic Speaker Venue Food and other arrangements Duration of the workshop The Module helps to reflect on some of my thoughts and practicesStrongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree Which aspect of this session did you like the least?Overall TopicSpeakerVenueFood and other arrangementsDuration of the workshop What are your recommendations for improvement?0 / What kind of sessions would you like to attend next?0 / Submit Form keyboard_arrow_leftPrevious Nextkeyboard_arrow_right FormCraft - WordPress form builder